Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A Sunday with Bachi and Fisi

"Cull ho na ho" blared the title of my favourite space of the Sunday Times. Indication enough that Bachi was in prime form again after a severe bout of mediocrity. Chics were never my plate of grub, notwithstanding the one that flu over the cuckoo's nest. An allusion to my cull-inary skills is enough to get the guillotine out of the bag and here was Ms Karkaria going legs and breasts after the next entry on the endangered species list. Jug's sermon on herbivorous diet felt like a decapitated rooster getting along with its early morning duties. While I was engrossed with paltry poultry issues, it was time for the Italian Fish to get me out of my doldrums. I dare not refer to the person in this country's driver seat as a member of the pisces family. The reference undubitably was to Fisi who sat at pole position in Malaysia this Sunday. Twas a revealation to see the underdog trash that "one race wonder" tag and take his toll on the Sepang highway. Things are back to their competitive best, be it getting the formula one title or getting the title formula right. All that matters.

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