Its not my intent to describe the refrigerator action when I start off with that tag line. Its a rather painstaking chore that cant be "compressed" into the leeway I allow my narrative here. Although, nuptial bliss can sometimes be an excellent anecdote to aid a comatose diction thats so charateristic of a mechanical engineering lecture. It can be a little unnerving to find yourself in good company in the wee hours when you are only accustomed to find the hands of the clock glaring at a rather obtuse angle at you in between the winks. Coming to terms with hot tea and cold shakes can make the faint hearted jittery. The little crib for the curl on the forehead and the overwhelming approbation for a clean shave can put the unsuspecting rookie in a swirl of emotion. Those injunctions masquerading as innocuous requests to comply with the better half's motives can be ignored only to one's own peril. That whimper that lets go from somebody else's lips when the head thats banged is yours makes your tummy do a few sommersaults. Wedlock may be intriguing but it certainly is addling. The steam that would have gathered in your head on mere transgressions now condenses to a warm hug adoring pure naivette and you need to hold firmly against that reassuring shoulder to keep from blowing your top on an innocuous pun. Its uncharted territory but you travel sure footedly, assured of a helping hand should your fortunes take a turn for the worse. They say you make conjoined twins only at birth. I beg to disagree. Marriage pips birth at the post there.....only if you dont call it a second "coming".
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